Moo Moo For You

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I went on the search for dinner and found lots of mussels which
were so good cooked up that evening

Cleaning the Mussels with our friends the Maynards
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More picture of our trip to Maine

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Waiting for the ferry to take us to Vinalhaven for the Day.
We rode our bikes around the island.

A little hike in a wildlife parkon Vinalhaven
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The sand castle before it is washed away by the tide

We watched a seal come up onto the beach

We climbed to the top a a hill and explored a World War One forte
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While in Maine we spent a day at the beach exploring and having lots of fun
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Marlon Arriving Home

After a day at school it seemed she had grown up some!
Her answers to what she had done were "not much" and "I had a good day"
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Marlon off to her first day of Kindergarden at Missentop

And off she goes on the school bus
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Monday, September 04, 2006

Owls Head light house Rockland Maine

Skipping rocks at the beach

There were great rocks to climb and things to find on the beach

We all put things we found together to make a fairy house for the local inhabitants
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Marlon enjoying the fair ground rides at the Union Fair while on holiday in Maine

Demolition derby at the fair was great fun for all the family
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